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MASTER Net: PSN and 3 dwarf nova outbursts

ATel #8433; O. Gress, P. Balanutsa, E. Popova, V. Lipunov (M. V.Lomonosov MSU), D. Buckley (SAAO), R. Rebolo Lopez, M. Serra-Ricart, N. Lodieu, G. Israelian (The Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias), N. Samus (INASAN, MSU), E. Gorbovskoy, N. Tiurina, V. Kornilov, A. Kuznetsov, I. Gorbunov, D. Vlasenko, V. Vladimirov, V. Shumkov (M. V.Lomonosov MSU, SAI), S. Potter, M. Kotze (South African Astronomical Observatory), N. Budnev, K. Ivanov (Irkutsk State University, Applied Physics Institute), A. Tlatov, V. Senik (Kislovodsk solar station of the Pulkovo observatory RAS)
on 18 Dec 2015; 12:50 UT
Credential Certification: Nataly Tyurina (

Subjects: Optical, Cataclysmic Variable, Supernovae, Transient, Variables

MASTER OT J065724.42-671950.7 discovery - dwarf nova outburst, Ampl>4.5m, no known sources in VIZIER

MASTER-SAAO auto-detection system ( Lipunov et al., "MASTER Global Robotic Net", Advances in Astronomy, 2010, 349171 ) discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 06h 57m 24.42s -67d 19m 50.7s on 2015-12-17.91149 UT.
The OT unfiltered magnitude is 17.5m (the limit is 19.8m).
The OT is seen in 3 images.We have reference image without OT on 2015-02-24.84639 UT with unfiltered magnitude limit 20.3m. There is no known source in VIZIER database (it means the 22m upper limit from POSS). So we suggest the dwarf nova outburst with amplitude more then 4.5m
Spectral observations are required.
The discovery and reference images are available at

MASTER OT J034049.57+143820.4 discovery - possible dwarf nova outburst, Ampl>2.6 no known sources VIZIER
MASTER-IAC auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 03h 40m 49.57s +14d 38m 20.4s on 2015-12-16.99875 UT.
The OT unfiltered magnitude is 19.4m (limit 20.5m).
The OT is seen in 3 images. We have reference image without OT on 2015-12-14.11727 UT with unfiltered magnitude limit 20.7m.
MASTER-Kislovodsk reobserved it on 2015-12-17.616UT with m_lim=20.6, and there is faint source at this place m_OT~20.5. Also this OT was seen on MASTER-Tunka image on 2015-01-14 14:47:13.564 with R_mag=19.0.
There is no any known sources inside 5arcec in VIZIER database, so we suggest the dwarf nova outburst with ampl>2.6m
Spectral observations are required.

The discovery and reference images are available at

MASTER OT J080229.57-573351.7 discovery - dwarf nova outburt, Ampl>3.4m, no known sources in VIZIER

MASTER-SAAO auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 08h 02m 29.57s -57d 33m 51.7s on 2015-12-17.98883 UT.
The OT unfiltered magnitude is 18.6m (m_lim=20.4m).
The OT is seen in 9 images. There is no minor planet at this place. We have reference image without OT on 2014-12-22.93354 UT with unfiltered magnitude limit 19.9m. There is no known sources in VIZIER database (22m POSS lim), o we suggest the dwarf nova outburst with amplitude mode the 3.4m.
Spectral observations are required.
The discovery and reference images are available at

The 999th MASTER's transient:

MASTER OT J032415.60+074424.6 discovery - supernova in PGC1329724

MASTER-IAC auto-detection system discovered OT source at (RA, Dec) = 03h 24m 15.60s +07d 44m 24.6s on 2015-12-17.93500 UT.
The OT unfiltered magnitude is 17.5m (mlim=19.6m).
The OT is seen in 3 images. We have reference image without OT on 2015-11-18.05297 UT with unfiltered magnitude limit 20.7m.
Spectral observations are required.
This PSN is in 7.1E 15.5S from the center ofPGC1329724 galaxy
The discovery and reference images are available at

P.S. MASTER detected R CrB current flare on 05h 39m 36.82s -71d 55m 47.2s with unfiltered m=14.2.

List of Optical Transients discovered by MASTER

MASTER Global Robotic Net