WiFeS Classification of ASASSN-15tt as a Type Ia supernovae near maximum light, with precise host redshift
ATel #8403; M. Childress (University of Southampton), I. Seitenzahl, F. Panther, A. Moller, B. Tucker, B. Zhang, R. Scalzo, F. Yuan, A. Ruiter, B. Schmidt (Australian National University)
on 12 Dec 2015; 14:49 UT
Credential Certification: Michael Childress (mjc@mso.anu.edu.au)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
We report spectroscopic classification of ASASSN-15tt with the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS - Dopita et al., 2007, ApSS, 310, 255) on the ANU 2.3m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory, NSW Australia, using the B3000/R3000 gratings (3500-9800 A, 1 A resolution). Discovery and classification information are found in the table below, the target was observed on 2015 Dec 10, and classification was made with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). We detect narrow emission lines from the host galaxy which enable determination of a precise redshift of z=0.0309 for the host. Given this redshift the best SN match appears close to maximum light, slightly earlier than the phase determined by PESSTO (see ATel #8399).
Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Disc. Date | Disc Mag | Disc. Source | SNID z | Type | Phase | Match SN | Notes
ASASSN-15tt | 06:38:01.49 | -37:39:30.9 | 20151208 | 17.1 | ASASSN | 0.031 | Ia | +2 | SN 2002ha | (1)
(1) There is no published redshift for the host galaxy, but we measure narrow host emission lines yielding a redshift of z=0.0309