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iPTF Discoveries of Recent Type Ia Supernovae

ATel #8288; S. Papadogiannakis, F. Taddia, R. Ferretti, C. Fremling, E. Karamehmetoglu, A. Nyholm, R. Roy, L. Hangard (OKC), P. Vreeswijk, A. Horesh, I. Manulis, A. Rubin, O. Yaron, G. Leloudas, D. Khazov, M. Soumagnac , S. Knezevic, J. Johansson (Weizmann), R. Lunnan, Y. Cao (Caltech), A. A. Miller (JPL/Caltech), G. Hosseinzadeh (LCOGT) on behalf of the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory
on 16 Nov 2015; 11:30 UT
Credential Certification: Rahman Amanullah (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

The intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (ATel #4807) reports the discovery and classification of the following Type Ia SNe.

Our automated candidate vetting to distinguish a real astrophysical source (1.0) from bogus artifacts (0.0) is powered by three generations of machine learning algorithms: RB2 (Brink et al. 2013MNRAS.435.1047B), RB4 (Rebbapragada et al. 2015AAS...22543402R) and RB5 (Wozniak et al. 2013AAS...22143105W). See ATel #7112 for additional details.

The approved classification (and/or subsequent) spectra are made publicly available through WISeREP (Yaron & Gal-Yam 2012).

Name      | RA (J2000)   | Dec (J2000)  | Discovery date | Mag.  | Abs.Mag. | Band  | Redshift | Type       | Spec. date | Phase | Instrument | Observers/Reducers       | Scanner/s    | RB2/RB4/RB5    | Notes 
iPTF15dnt | 20:59:47.781 | +17:52:55.24 | 2015-10-30.11  | 18.38 | -17.63   | PTF-g | 0.037    | SN Ia      | 2015-11-07 | -1d   | Keck2      | R. Lunnan, Y. Cao/Y. Cao | A. Horesh    | 0.83/0.71/0.89 | (1) 
iPTF15doh | 22:40:25.991 | +25:41:30.34 | 2015-10-30.20  | 18.51 | -18.56   | PTF-g | 0.059    | SN Ia-91T  | 2015-11-07 | -1d   | FTN        | LCOGT /G. Hosseinzadeh   | G. Leloudas  | 0.52/0.69/0.93 | (1) 
iPTF15doo | 21:47:19.708 | +26:47:46.67 | 2015-10-22.13  | 19.39 | -18.67   | PTF-g | 0.090    | SN Ia      | 2015-11-07 | +0d   | Keck2      | R. Lunnan, Y. Cao/Y. Cao | M. Soumagnac | 0.27/0.48/0.37 | (1) 
iPTF15dqf | 00:49:48.606 | -06:28:57.26 | 2015-11-01.22  | 19.55 | -17.92   | PTF-g | 0.070    | SN Ia      | 2015-11-07 | -3d   | Keck2      | R. Lunnan, Y. Cao/Y. Cao | A. Miller    | 0.81/0.74/0.92 | (1) 
iPTF15dql | 00:46:03.031 | +38:58:11.20 | 2015-11-06.37  | 19.76 | -19.17   | PTF-g | 0.130    | SN Ia      | 2015-11-07 | -7d   | Keck2      | R. Lunnan, Y. Cao/Y. Cao | L. Hangard   | 0.71/0.60/0.60 | (1) 
iPTF15dqp | 00:54:56.812 | +10:48:03.09 | 2015-10-30.32  | 18.80 | -19.23   | PTF-g | 0.089    | SN Ia      | 2015-11-07 | -4d   | Keck2      | R. Lunnan, Y. Cao/Y. Cao | L. Hangard   | 0.81/0.36/0.70 | (1)(2) 
iPTF15dqr | 00:01:00.946 | +08:39:01.52 | 2015-11-02.20  | 20.36 | -18.56   | PTF-g | 0.130    | SN Ia      | 2015-11-07 | -1d   | Keck2      | R. Lunnan, Y. Cao/Y. Cao | L. Hangard   | 0.44/0.51/0.67 | (1) 
iPTF15dqv | 00:01:07.581 | +03:39:55.42 | 2015-11-06.24  | 19.63 | -18.14   | PTF-g | 0.080    | SN Ia      | 2015-11-07 | -8d   | Keck2      | R. Lunnan, Y. Cao/Y. Cao | L. Hangard   | 0.35/0.76/0.96 | (1) 
iPTF15dqz | 02:11:59.311 | +36:32:35.44 | 2015-11-06.43  | 20.39 | -18.88   | PTF-g | 0.150    | SN Ia      | 2015-11-07 | -1d   | Keck2      | R. Lunnan, Y. Cao/Y. Cao | L. Hangard   | 0.39/0.63/0.80 | (1) 
iPTF15drk | 00:53:32.206 | +11:30:54.31 | 2015-11-06.30  | 20.42 | -15.12   | PTF-g | 0.030    | SN Ia      | 2015-11-07 | -5d   | Keck2      | R. Lunnan, Y. Cao/Y. Cao | A. Nyholm    | 0.47/0.37/0.61 | (1) 
[Dates are in UT; the estimated phase is with respect to peak light.] 

(1) Classification, redshift and phase obtained from SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024). <\p>

(2) Already classified in ATel #8259