Spectral Classification of TCP J17344775-2409042 as a Classical Nova
ATel #8156; Colin Littlefield (Wesleyan University), Peter Garnavich (Notre Dame)
on 12 Oct 2015; 21:35 UT
Credential Certification: Colin Littlefield (clittlefield@wesleyan.edu)
Subjects: Optical, Nova, Transient
On 2015 Oct. 11.99, we obtained a low-resolution spectrum of TCP J17344775-2409042 at Van Vleck Observatory in Middletown, Connecticut (USA) using a 40-cm Schmidt Cassegrain telescope. The spectrum covers 530 nm through 850 nm with a spectral resolution of approximately 1.0 nm. The total integration time for the spectrum was 27 min. The data were obtained across an airmass range of 3.6-4.5.
Although the spectrum is noisy, H-alpha and O I 777.3 nm show P Cyg profiles with strong absorption components; the emission component of the O I line is just above the noise. A possible blueshifted Na I line is also seen in absorption near 588.2 nm. The absorption component of the H-alpha line is blueshifted by ~800 km/s with respect to the rest wavelength of 656.3nm, and the emission component has a FWHM of ~900 km/s.
The spectrum is consistent with classification as a Fe II-type classical nova, but its noisiness prevents us from identifying additional spectral features which are characteristic of Fe II novae.