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Near-IR observations of 3 novae: PNV J19215012+1509248 (ASASSN-15qd), Nova Oph 2015 and V5668 Sgr (Nova Sgr 2015#2)

ATel #8142; N. M. Ashok, Mudit Srivastava and D. P. K. Banerjee (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India)
on 9 Oct 2015; 01:21 UT
Credential Certification: Dipankar P.K. Banerjee (

Subjects: Infra-Red, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova

Referred to by ATel #: 8150, 8332, 8753

We report near-infrared observations on 7 and 8 October 2015 of three novae viz. Nova Sgr 2015#2 (V5668 Sgr), Nova Oph 2015 and nova PNV J19215012+1509248 in Aquila with the 1.2m Mount Abu telescope. Spectra were obtained in the 0.8-2.4 micron region at a resolution of ~ 1000 using the NICS imager-spectrograph system.

The heavily reddened galactic nova PNV J19215012+1509248 (ASASSN-15qd; ATel #8126, #8127), observed on 8 October, shows a spectrum typical of the Fe II class of novae close to maximum with prominent Brackett and Paschen series H lines and strong lines of oxygen and carbon. Several examples of NIR spectra of the Fe II class of novae are given in Banerjee and Ashok (BASI, 2012, 40, 243).

Nova Sgr 2015#2, discovered on 15.634 March 2015, is showing prominent HI lines in the J band but the most prominent emission is from a strong He I 1.0830 line. Dust which formed in this nova (ATel #7748, #7862) continues to persist, causing a steeply redward rising continuum in the H and K bands that veils the emission lines.

A spectrum of Nova Oph 2015, discovered on March 29.766 UT, was obtained on 8 October but only in the J band. This nova has shown He/N characteristics during the climb to maximum (ATel #7339), had reverted to a Fe II class around maximum (ATel #7367) and then shown strong HeI line emission during the first decline (ATel #7446). The present J band spectrum is totally dominated by very strong emission in the HeI 1.0830 line. HI lines are present.