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Jansky VLA observation of the ANTARES neutrino detection region

ATel #7999; Gregg Hallinan (Caltech) and Kunal Mooley (Oxford) on behalf of a larger collaboration.
on 5 Sep 2015; 01:10 UT
Credential Certification: Kunal Mooley (

Subjects: Radio, X-ray, Neutrinos, Star, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 8034, 8124

The Jansky VLA observed the ANTARES neutrino detection region (GCN 18231, ATels #7987, #7992) with an L-band (1-2 GHz) pointing centered on 16:25:42.00 -27:23:24.0. The observations took place between 2015 Sep 03.93 and 03.97 UT, i.e. roughly 2.6 days after the neutrino detection and 2.2 days after the Dornic et al. Swift X-ray observations. We processed the data independently using the AIPSLite pipeline (Bourke, Mooley & Hallinan 2014, ASPC, 485, 367) and the NRAO CASA pipeline v1.2.

The JVLA half-power beam width at L-band is 30 arcmin and covers almost the entire ANTARES error region (50% containment). We do not find any significant variable sources on timescales <1 hour within the HPBW, and beyond 200 microJy (not primary beam corrected). We also compared the JVLA observation with NVSS. No new source beyond 2 mJy with respect to NVSS is found.

The Swift X-ray source reported by Dornic et al. (GCN 18231, ATel #7987), coincident with USNO-B1.0 0626-0501169 (Smartt et al., ATel #7992), is detected at a 1.4 GHz flux density of 150+/-15 microJy, and is not variable on timescales <1 hour. Assuming a distance equal to that of the Ophiuchus star forming region (Postigo et al., ATel #7994), 140 pc, the X-ray and radio luminosities are found to be 2e30 erg/s and 3e15 erg/s/Hz respectively. These luminosities are consistent with an RS CVn binary system or a rapidly rotating young stellar object based on the Gudel-Benz relation.

We thank the JVLA staff for executing the observations. Radio images and ancillary data reported in the ATel can be found here:

Radio images and ancillary data