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Telegram Index
Telegrams Posted Within the Last 30 Days ( All )
47 Selected of 16878 Telegrams
16878Prediscovery Detection and Photometry of AT 2024zaq, a Probable Nova in M31K. Hornoch, A. W. Shafter
25 Oct 2024; 17:27 UT
16877Spectroscopic Classification of Optical Transients with the Lick Shane telescopeK. C. Patra, K. Taggart, R. J. Foley
25 Oct 2024; 16:50 UT
16876Swift-XRT and optical observations of V1405 Cas during the super-soft X-ray phaseK. L. Page & S. N. Shore
25 Oct 2024; 15:08 UT
16875Discovery of a Periodic Radio Signal from the Radio-quiet Gamma-ray Pulsar PSR J0359+5414 Using FASTRuobin Ding, Shuo Cao, Shuangqiang Wang, Ralph P. Eatough, Tingting Lin, Yujie Lian, Lei Qian, Haiyan...
25 Oct 2024; 15:02 UT
16874Spectroscopic confirmation and photometry of the nova candidate AT 2024ynwA. S. Vinokurov, A. S. Sarkisyan
25 Oct 2024; 11:57 UT
16873A burst detection from FRB 20240209A at 1.3 GHz using the Westerbork-RT1 25-m telescopeO. S. Ould-Boukattine, R. Blaauw, M. Gawronski, W. Herrmann, J. W.T. Hessels, D. M. Hewitt, F. Kirsten,...
23 Oct 2024; 11:52 UT
16872Historical NIR light maximum of the blazar B2 2234+28AL. Carrasco, G. Escobedo, A. Porras, E. Recillas, L. Felix;
21 Oct 2024; 22:49 UT
16871Onset of the 0.3-10 keV flare in TeV-Detected Blazar H1426+428Bidzina Kapanadze
21 Oct 2024; 17:23 UT
16870Independent Discovery of a Probable Nova in M31K. Hornoch, A. W. Shafter
20 Oct 2024; 19:35 UT
16869Discovery of a nova candidate in M31 (ULL-ASTRO-MASTER-11) with the IAC80 telescopeG. Villa, A. Garcia Lozano, F. Dobrindt, B. Armas-Chinea, P. Escudero-Coca, G. Fernandez-Rodriguez,...
20 Oct 2024; 14:59 UT
16868Fermi-LAT detection of renewed gamma-ray activity from the FSRQ S5 0633+73Chiara Bartolini on behalf of the Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration
20 Oct 2024; 07:53 UT
16867Historical NIR light maximum of the FSRQ PKS J2301-0158L. Carrasco, G. Escobedo, A. Porras, E. Recillas, L. Felix;
14 Oct 2024; 22:16 UT
16866Swift UV and X-ray Observation of GOTO 065054.49+593624.51Sayantan Bhattacharya, Sudip Bhattacharyya
14 Oct 2024; 06:28 UT
16865LAST optical observations of the blazar BL Lacertae in bright optical stateS. Garrappa, R. Konno, E. O. Ofek, S. Ben-Ami, D. Polishook, P. Chen, A. Gal-Yam, A. Krassilchtchikov,...
13 Oct 2024; 21:46 UT
16864e-Merlin follow-up of the candidate PRS associated with FRB20240114AGabriele Bruni, Luigi Piro, Luciano Nicastro, Eliana Palazzi, Yuan-Pei Yang, Bing Zhang
12 Oct 2024; 09:03 UT
16863Large NIR flare of the FSRQ 4C+27.50L. Carrasco, G. Escobedo, A. Porras, E. Recillas, L. Felix;
11 Oct 2024; 17:08 UT
16862Addendum to ATel #16857Federico Manzini, Virginio Oldani, Paolo Ochner, Luigi R. Bedin, Andrea Reguitti, Andrea Farina
11 Oct 2024; 09:13 UT
16861Detection of flaring very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from BL Lacertae with the MAGIC telescopesDavid Paneque, Seiya Nozaki, Giacomo Bonnoli, Axel Arbet-Engels, Silvia Garcia Soto, Ryo Imazawa, on...
10 Oct 2024; 20:35 UT
16860Independent Discovery of a Probable Nova in M31K. Hornoch, A. W. Shafter, H. Kucakova
10 Oct 2024; 20:27 UT
16859Probing the cyclotron resonant scattering feature in the X-ray pulsar 2S 1553-542 with NuSTAR during the 2024 outburstManoj Mandal, Gaurava K. Jaisawal, Sabyasachi Pal, Rahul Sharma
9 Oct 2024; 17:27 UT
16858NOT and LT spectra of GOTO065054.49+593624.51 confirms its Galactic nature T. Killestein, M. Pursiainen, B. Warwick, L. Kelsey, G. Ramsay, M. R. Kennedy, A. Kumar, E. Wickens,...
9 Oct 2024; 16:36 UT
16857POSSIBLE DISINTEGRATION OF THE NUCLEUS OF COMET C/2024 S1 (ATLAS)Federico Manzini, Virginio Oldani, Paolo Ochner, Luigi R. Bedin, Andrea Reguitti, Andrea Farina
9 Oct 2024; 12:35 UT
16856The blazar BL Lacertae is brightening in Optical bandsShubham Kishore, Alok C. Gupta, Manora Peak, Nainital 263001, India)
9 Oct 2024; 09:29 UT
16855Swift follow-up observations of BL LacertaeSeiya Nozaki, David Sanchez
8 Oct 2024; 19:42 UT
16854VERITAS Detection of Gamma-ray Flaring Activity from BL LacertaeAmy Furniss for the VERITAS Collaboration
8 Oct 2024; 19:35 UT
16853Einstein Probe detection of the brightening of LMXB EXO 0748-676/UY VolH. Sun, Q. Y. Wu, Y. J. Zhang, W. F. WEN, J. H. Wu, H. W. Pan on behalf of the Einstein Probe team
8 Oct 2024; 15:31 UT
16852MeerKAT detection of a radio flare from black hole X-ray binary V4641 SgrNoa Grollimund, Stephane Corbel, Rob Fender, on behalf of the X-KAT collaboration
8 Oct 2024; 08:30 UT
16851GOTO065054.49+593624.51: detection of X-ray emission by Einstein ProbeC. Y. Wang, A. Li, H. Y. Liu, Z. X. Ling, W. Yuan, on behalf of the Einstein Probe team
8 Oct 2024; 07:52 UT
16850LHAASO detects rapid variability of the TeV Gamma-ray Activity of BL LacertaeGuangman Xiang, Min Zha, Zhiguo Yao, Jianeng Zhou and Yi Xing report on behalf of the LHAASO...
8 Oct 2024; 01:23 UT
16849Fermi-LAT detection of enhanced gamma-ray activity from the blazar BL LacertaeP. V. van Zyl, G. La Mura, Denis Bernard, on behalf of the Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration
6 Oct 2024; 23:27 UT
16848Report on the NuEM-240926A AMON AlertHugo Ayala
5 Oct 2024; 19:11 UT
16847Optical follow-up observations of GOTO065054.49+593624.51Amar Deo Chandra, Brijesh Kumar, T. S. Kumar, Kumar Pranshu, B. Krishna Reddy, Mukesh Kumar, Prakash...
5 Oct 2024; 11:28 UT
16846NICER observation of Be/X-ray binary pulsar 2S 1553-542 during its 2024 outburst Manoj Mandal, Gaurava K. Jaisawal, Sabyasachi Pal, Keith Gendreau, Rahul Sharma, Joel B. Coley and C....
5 Oct 2024; 08:41 UT
16845Fermi-LAT detection of enhanced gamma-ray activity from the CSS Quasar 3C 138Ettore Bronzini, C. C. Cheung, G. La Mura
4 Oct 2024; 22:13 UT
16844Erratum in ATel#16841: V- and R-band photometryRaul Michel, Angel Castro, Kevin Alabarta
4 Oct 2024; 21:33 UT
16843Likely spectral transition of Aql X-1 seen by SVOM/ECLAIRs.Author list: Sebastien Le Stum, Floriane Cangemi, Alexis Coleiro, Antoine Foisseau, Jerome Rodriguez,...
4 Oct 2024; 16:13 UT
16842GOTO065054.49+593624.51: Discovery of a bright optical galactic transientT. Killestein, L. Kelsey, G. Ramsay, M. R. Kennedy, A. Kumar, E. Wickens, K. Ackley, M. J. Dyer, J. Lyman,...
4 Oct 2024; 12:29 UT
16841OAN-SPM VR observations during the optical rise of Aql X-1Raul Michel, Angel Castro, Kevin Alabarta
3 Oct 2024; 22:15 UT
16840Aql X-1: still at maximal levelsV. V. Vlasyuk, O. I. Spiridonova
3 Oct 2024; 21:14 UT
16839Fermi/GBM detects outburst from Be/X-ray binary 2S 1553-542Peter Jenke, Christian Malacaria
2 Oct 2024; 15:57 UT
16838Bursts from Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1806-20David M Palmer on behalf of the Swift/BAT Team
1 Oct 2024; 03:54 UT
16837SVOM/ECLAIRs likely detection of a burst from SGR Swift J1818.0-1607Miguel Llamas Lanza, Jean-Luc Atteia, Sebastien Guillot, Laurent Bouchet, Floriane Cangemi, Alexis Coleiro,...
30 Sep 2024; 14:22 UT
16836Detection of H-alpha emission from M31 nova candidate AT2024rkzA. Valcheva, A. Kurtenkov, D. Stefanova
30 Sep 2024; 14:12 UT
16835MAXI/GSC detection of an X-ray outburst from the Be/X-ray binary pulsar 2S 1553-542 (H 1553-542)M. Nakajima, H. Negoro, T. Mihara, Y. Kudo, H. Shibui, K. Takagi, H. Takahashi, K. Tatano, H. Nishio,...
30 Sep 2024; 13:33 UT
16834High radio state of the high-redshift blazar PKS 2126-15Yu V. Sotnikova, T. V. Mufakharov, A. G. Mikhailov, T. A. Semenova, A. K. Erkenov, Yu. A. Kovalev, M....
30 Sep 2024; 12:01 UT
16833ASASSN-24fw: A Main Sequence Star with a Deep Dimming EventB. JoHantgen, D. M. Rowan, K. Z. Stanek, J. Callahan, C. S. Kochanek, S. A. Petz, B. J. Shappee
27 Sep 2024; 21:52 UT
16832Tighter upper limits to radio emission from GAIA BH3 with the VLALO Sjouwerman & JM Blanchard
27 Sep 2024; 19:48 UT