Optical and NIR observations of XTE J1739-285
ATel #784; M. A. P. Torres, D. Steeghs, M. R. Garcia, J. E. McClintock (CfA), P. G. Jonker (SRON/CfA), D. Kaplan (MIT), J. Casares (IAC), R. Greimel (ING), T. Augusteijn (NOT)
on 30 Mar 2006; 21:13 UT
Credential Certification: Manuel Torres (mtorres@cfa.harvard.edu)
Subjects: Infra-Red, Optical, X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star
Referred to by ATel #: 13177
We report optical and near-infrared (NIR) observations of the field
containing the neutron star X-ray transient XTE J1739-285 (IAUC # 7300 ,
ATel #622). The recently reported Chandra localization (ATel #777) provides a
significant improvement over the Swift XRT position reported in ATel
#602, facilitating the identification of potential counterparts.
Optical observations were performed on 2005 Aug 30 20:59-21:14 UT and
2005-09-16 20:39-20:55 at the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) on
La Palma using ALFOSC. On Aug 30 we acquired three 180s R-band images
under seeing conditions of 0.8 arcsec (note that these observations
were reported in ATel #602 with a wrong observing date). On Sep 16
several R-band images ranging in exposure times between 130 and 200s were
obtained with a seeing of 0.8 arcsec. The images were flux calibrated
using Landolt standards.
The NIR observations consist of a series of Ks-band images obtained
with the 6.5m Magellan Baade telescope on 2005 Sep 13 00:10-01:01 and
2005 Oct 20 23:44-23:56 using the PANIC camera and totaling 900s and
225s on source respectively. The frames were acquired with a variable
seeing ranging from 0.5-0.8 arcsec during the night of Sep 13 and 0.4
arcsec during Oct 20. Photometric and astrometric scales were defined
using 2MASS sources in the field of view.
No optical counterpart is found in the NOT images down to a 3-sigma
detection limit of R > 21.5 (Aug 30) and R > 22.5 (Sep 16). We remark
here that the Aug 30 images were obtained at the peak of X-ray
activity in 2005 (ATel #592) whereas the Sep 16 images were acquired
after this event. Taking into account the 0.5 Crab flux reported
during type I X-ray bursts (ATel #622) which must be below or equal to
the Eddington Luminosity, we derive a (rough) upper limit on the
distance to XTE J1739-285 of 12 kpc. This translates into an upper
limit R-band absolute magnitude of M_R > 3.2 during the peak of X-ray
activity and this suggests an intrinsically faint transient. Here we
have used A_R=2.9 mag as expected from the hydrogen column towards the
source (NH=7.4e21 cm**-2: Dickey & Lockman 1990).
Two NIR sources are visible inside the Chandra error circle for XTE
J1739-285. The sources have approximate magnitudes of Ks = 16.9 +/-
0.2 and 17.8 +/- 0.3. We could not establish significant variability
in either of these two sources. Using the above constraint on the
distance and reddening (A_K=0.4), we derive M_K > 1.1 and
2.0 for the absolute magnitude in the K-band. However, the positional
coincidence of both sources is insufficient to establish any of them
as the counterpart to XTE J1739-285; a K5V (M2V) field star at 2 kpc
would have an apparent magnitude of 16.9 (17.8) and 21.2 (22.9) at the
K- and R-bands respectively.
Further NIR photometry to search for variability during quiescence
and/or outburst is required to confirm/reject any of the above
Finding Chart