RTT150 high resolution spectral observations of Solar Corona during the solar eclipse on March 29, 2006
ATel #782; I. F.Bikmaev, N. A.Sakhibullin, A. I.Galeev (Kazan State University and Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, Russia), I. M.Khamitov, Z. Aslan (TUBITAK National Observatory, Turkey), R. A.Sunyaev (MPA, Garching, IKI, Moscow)
on 30 Mar 2006; 12:38 UT
Credential Certification: Ilfan Bikmaev (Ilfan.Bikmaev@ksu.ru)
Subjects: Optical, The Sun
On March 29, 2006, the total solar eclipse had a duration
of totality of about 2 minutes at TUBITAK National
Observatory, Antalya, Turkey.
The Russian-Turkish 1.5-meter optical telescope (RTT150)
equipped with a coude-echelle spectrometer and a 1040 x 1160 pixels
nitrogen cooled CCD was used to get the spectra of solar Corona.
We have obtained two high-resolution, high S/N spectra of
a small region of the solar Corona situated approximately 3 arcmin
Eastwards of the solar limb, with coordinates R.A.(2000.0) = 00h 32m 37s,
Dec.(2000.0) = +03o 23' 55". Target uncertainty is about 10-20 arcsec.
The size of the entrance slit was 3 x 1.5 arcsec, the spectral resolution
R ~ 40000 and the spectral range ~ 3900 - 8600 A, with some
gaps in the visual and near infrared regions.
The exposure time was 30 sec each and middle time of exposures
are UT = 10:54:33 and UT = 10:55:44
( http://www.tug.tubitak.gov.tr/~irekk/eclipse2006/ut105433.jpg , http://www.tug.tubitak.gov.tr/~irekk/eclipse2006/ut105544.jpg ).
Preliminary spectra processing reveals the presence of several known
Coronal and Chromospheric emission lines ( strong Fe X 6374, Fe XIV 5303,
Fe XI 7892, Ar X 5534, weak Ca XV 5694, He I, H I, strong K and H Ca II,
weak Ca II 8542, etc). In both spectra there are many weak absorption
lines as well as several weak emission lines.
The FWHM of the strong emission lines is 30-40 km/sec
(at 7-10 km/sec of spectral resolution).
Note that the intensity of Coronal emission lines is almost identical
in both spectra, in contrast with considerable decrease
in chromospheric lines intensity in the second spectrum.
( http://www.tug.tubitak.gov.tr/~irekk/eclipse2006/fe7892.jpg , http://www.tug.tubitak.gov.tr/~irekk/eclipse2006/halpha.jpg )
Our targeting point was far away ( ~ 0.2 Solar Radius) from the limb,
i.e. very far from the chromosphere.
We suppose that, probably, by chance we have observed the spectrum
of an errupting prominence detail situated within the line-of-sight
during our observations.