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V404 Cygni: coordination of multi-wavelength observations and request for coverage during HST visits

ATel #7735; C. Knigge (Southampton), T. R. Marsh (Warwick), G. R. Sivakoff (Alberta), D. Altamirano, J. V. Hernandez Santisteban, A. Shaw, P. A. Charles, P. Gandhi (Soton) on behalf of a larger collaboration
on 30 Jun 2015; 13:14 UT
Credential Certification: Christian Knigge (

Subjects: Radio, Millimeter, Sub-Millimeter, Infra-Red, Optical, Ultra-Violet, X-ray, Gamma Ray, Request for Observations, Binary, Black Hole, Transient, Variables

Referred to by ATel #: 7763, 7773, 7959

In an effort to coordinate the multi-wavelength observations covering the ongoing outburst of the black hole X-ray transient V404 Cygni, we have set up a mailing list to facilitate communication between observers. The list has been active since Jun 25 and currently has over 80 subscribers. In order to subscribe to the list, please send an email to and put "subscribe v404-mwc" into the BODY of the message (not the header). As of Jun 30, the list will be archived once a day, so that new members should have access to older messages. The archive is available at .

We have also set up a web interface where observers can submit details of any planned and/or completed observations in all wave bands. This interface is available at . A full listing of all submitted observations can be viewed at , and a graphical summary is available at .

At the moment, we particularly request all types of multi-wavelength ground-based observations (photometry, spectroscopy, optical, infrared, radio, etc) to coincide with 3 scheduled HST observations of V404 Cygni. The HST observations will provide time-resolved far-ultraviolet and near-ultraviolet spectroscopy, so any (near-)simultaneous time- and/or spectrally resolved observations at longer wavelength are strongly encouraged. The science exposures for the HST visits are currently scheduled to take place in the following windows (all times UTC):

Visit 1 (FUV):
Start time: 10 Jul 2015 12:12:19
End time: 10 Jul 2015 19:23:20

Visit 2 (NUV):
Start time: 11 Jul 2015 13:37:07
End time: 11 Jul 2015 16:08:55

Visit 3 (FUV):
Start time: 12 Jul 2015 11:56:15
End time: 12 Jul 2015 19:08:08

The timing of these visits favours ground-based observations from longitudes between the western US and east Asia.