VLITE meter-wavelength detection of V404 Cyg at 341 MHz
ATel #7728; N. E. Kassim (NRL), S. Giacintucci (CPI), W. M. Lane-Peters (NRL), S. D. Hyman (SBC), T. E. Clarke (NRL), E. J. Polisensky (NRL), J. F. Helmboldt (NRL), P. S. Ray (NRL), J. S. Deneva (NRC)
on 29 Jun 2015; 03:01 UT
Credential Certification: Scott Hyman (shyman@sbc.edu)
Subjects: Radio, Millimeter, Sub-Millimeter, Infra-Red, Optical, X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Nova, Transient, Variables
We observed V404 Cyg with the Very Large Array Low Band Ionospheric and Transient Experiment (VLITE, http://vlite.nrao.edu ) at 341 MHz (38 MHz bandwidth) between 2015 June 17 10:52 UTC (MJD 57190.45) and June 25 12:17 UTC (MJD 57198.51). The upper limit on the flux density for the 3 min, June 17 observation is <= 20 mJy (3 sigma). The source was detected at 186 +- 6 mJy on June 22 from ~11:30 to 14:30 UTC (centered on MJD 57195.54) and at 90 +- 7 mJy on a 3 min, June 25 observation. For these measurements we have applied the flux scale of Scaife & Heald (2012). Finer resolution time and frequency analysis of our data are underway and will be reported if significant. These VLITE meter-wavelength data are bracketed by higher (ATEL #7716) and lower (ATEL #7720) frequency radio detections, helping constrain the broad-band, radio continuum spectrum and radio light curve. We note that the two VLITE detections bracketing the lower flux density LOFAR detection at 150 MHz may suggest a component of thermal absorption.
VLA Low Band Ionospheric and Transient Experiment