A Renewed Activity of the blazar S4 0954+658
ATel #7684; Svetlana Jorstad (IAR, Boston U., Boston, USA & St. Petersburg State U., St. Petersburg, Russia)
on 21 Jun 2015; 22:11 UT
Credential Certification: Svetlana Jorstad (jorstad@bu.edu)
Subjects: Optical, Blazar
The BLLac object S4 0954+658 was very active in 2015 February, the source showed the global X-ray maximum on February 17, the historical maximum in R band, and a unusually hard gamma-ray spectrum (Atel #7093). In 2015 March the source faded up to R~16.5. Our observations at the Perkins telescope of Lowell Observatory (Flagstaff,AZ) on 2015 June 21 show that S4 0954+658 is currently brighter by more than 2 magnitudes (RJD=JD-2450000.0) with respect to the optical state in 2015 Spring :
RJD R+-dR P+-dP(%) PA+-dPA(deg)
7194.6719 14.264 0.009 5.36 0.19 84.39 0.96
7194.6743 14.256 0.009 5.57 0.15 78.48 0.77
7194.6768 14.244 0.006 4.75 0.13 82.95 0.83
Multi-wavelength observations are encouraged.