Is PKSB2258-022 a new Gamma-ray source ?
ATel #7480; S. A. Trushkin, J. V. Sotnikova, A. Erkenov (SAO RAS, Russia)
on 6 May 2015; 18:33 UT
Credential Certification: Sergei Trushkin (
Subjects: Gamma Ray, AGN, Blazar, Quasar
After recent report about detection a strong gamma-ray source near the relative bright radio quasar PKS B2258-022 (ATEL #7445) we carried out a search for a possible candidate counterpart within radius of 12 arcmin around the gamma-ray source. Indeed the best candidate is PKS B2258-022,
variable, gigahertz-peaked source (GPS), as followed from its the Planck survey catalogue detection at 70, 143, and 217 GHz. Also it is monitoring during 2008-2014 in the Candidate Gamma-ray Blazar Sample (Healey at al.2008) at 15 GHz with the OVRO 40m telescope. It was varied from 1.3 to 0.33 Jy.
We have observed it with the RATAN-600 radio telescope in February 2005, March 2008 and April 2015
at 1.0, 2.3, 4.8, 8.2, 11.2 and 21.7 GHz. All multi-frequency measured spectra were inverted at the higher frequencies. But current fluxes are rather in minimum than in an active state. But we can expect that a gamma-ray flare could be appreciably before a following radio event. Just now the new Swift data are reported about PKS B2258-022 as the best counterpart of the new gamma-ray source (ATEL #7479). Below the measured radio spectra and measurements from the other catalogs, collected in the our CATS database ( are presented. We will continue the monitoring of the source.
The measured spectra (epochs: 2005, 2008, 2015) of PSK B2258-022