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Liverpool Telescope Spectrum of Nova Sgr 2015 #2

ATel #7309; S. C. Williams (LJMU), M. J. Darnley (LJMU), M. F. Bode (LJMU)
on 29 Mar 2015; 20:10 UT
Credential Certification: Matt Darnley (

Subjects: Optical, Nova

We obtained an optical spectrum of Nova Sgr 2015 #2 (PNV J18365700-2855420) with the FRODOspec spectrograph (R~2400) on the Liverpool Telescope at 2015 March 29.23 UT. According to the AAVSO light curve, at this point the nova had re-brightened slightly compared to a few days previous. Comparing the 2015 March 29.23 spectrum to our classification spectrum taken March 16.27 (ATel #7230) shows that the Balmer series and Fe II emission lines now exhibit 'double' P Cygni profiles. The Balmer line P Cygni profile velocities have reduced from ~2800 km/s to ~1600 km/s, with Paschen lines also detected. Strong Ca II (8498, 8542 and 8662) emission lines are now seen, with C I emission lines also now being detected, which have been reported to be strong in the NIR (ATel #7299). O I emission remains strong and also now shows the double P Cygni profile structure.