Large NIR Flare of the Blazar HB89 0805-077
ATel #7302; L. Carrasco, A. Porras, E Recillas, V. Chavushyan, A. Carraminana (INAOE, Mexico)
on 28 Mar 2015; 01:31 UT
Credential Certification: LUIS CARRASCO (
Subjects: Radio, Infra-Red, Optical, Gamma Ray, AGN, Blazar, Quasar
We report on recent NIR Flaring event of the high redshift Blazar [HB89] 0805-077 (z=1.837) also known as CGRaBS J0898-751, associated with the Gamma ray source 2FGLJ0808.2-0751. We obtained NIR photometry for this object on March 16th,2015 (JD2457097.7927) and found it with enhanced fluxes corresponding to J = 15.132 +/- 0.04, H = 14.244 +/- 0.11 and Ks = 13.442 +/- 0.09. While on JD2456728, we detected this object at J = 17.391 +/- 0.03, H = 16.233 +/- 0.05 and Ks = 15.767 +/- 0.11. Hence the object has increased its luminosity by a factor of ~8 during this lapse. At the time of the 2mass NIR survey there this object had a flux corresponding to H = 15.141 +/- 0.07. Our observations are carried out with the 2.1m telescope of the Guillermo Haro Observatory operated by the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (Mexico), equipped with the instrument CANICA a NIR camera. We strongly encourage further multiwavelength coverage.