Discovery of an Apparent Nova in M31
ATel #7113; K. Hornoch (Astronomical Institute, Ondrejov, Czech Republic), J. Vrastil (Astronomical Institute, Charles U., Prague, Czech Republic)
on 19 Feb 2015; 19:24 UT
Credential Certification: Allen W. Shafter (
Subjects: Optical, Nova, Transient
We report the discovery of an apparent nova in M31 on a co-added 600-s R-band CCD frame taken on 2015 Feb. 19.733 UT with the 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov.
The object designated PNV J00413317+4110124 is located at R.A. = 0h41m33s.17, Decl. = +41o10'12".4 (equinox 2000.0), which is 802.8" east and 356.1" south of the center of M31 (see link to the discovery image below).
The following R-band magnitudes were obtained using the 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov:
2015 Feb. 15.734 UT, [20.0; 19.733, 16.8 ± 0.1.
Discovery image