XTE J1701-462 seen by INTEGRAL
ATel #708; N. Produit (ISDC, Geneva), A. Bazzano (IASF, Roma), V. Schoenfelder (MPE, Garching), N.-J. Westergaard (DSRI, Copenhagen), B. McBreen (Univ. College, Dublin), R. Much (ESTEC, Noordwijk), W. Hermsen (SRON, Utrecht), S. Molkov (IKI, Moscow)
on 23 Jan 2006; 16:18 UT
Credential Certification: Nami Mowlavi (Nami.Mowlavi@obs.unige.ch)
Subjects: X-ray, Transient
The newly discovered X-ray transient XTE J1701-462 (ATEL #696, #700, #702, #703, #704, #706)
was in the field of view of the INTEGRAL instruments during a routine Galactic Plane Scan on 2006 Jan. 21
at 03:45 UT, during one pointing of 1850 sec in JEM-X and three pointings in IBIS.
It was detected by the JEM-X instrument with a flux of 58+-6 counts/s in 3-10 keV (about 0.9 Crab) and 2.8+-0.5 counts/s in 10-20 keV (about 0.13 Crab). It was not detected in ISGRI, with an upper limit of 5 mCrabs above 20 keV. The INTEGRAL spectrum cannot be represented with a powerlaw. A thermal bremsstrahlung with kT = 3 keV fits the data.