Blazars AO 0235+164, [HB89] 0716+714 and [HB89] 1633+382 are still near the maxima of the long-term light curves
ATel #7004; O. I. Spiridonova, V. V. Vlasyuk, A. S. Moskvitin (SAO RAS), V. S. Bychkova (Astro Space Center RAS)
on 28 Jan 2015; 21:25 UT
Credential Certification: Alexander Moskvitin (
Subjects: Optical, Blazar
Referred to by ATel #: 7026
We perform a multicolor broad-band photometry of the selected blazars with the 1-meter
reflector Zeiss-1000 of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of RAS (Northern Caucasus, Russia),
equipped with UBVRI filters and a 2k x 2k EEV 42-40 CCD.
Three of them, AO 0235+164, [HB89] 0716+714, [HB89] 1633+382 remain near their maxima of the multi-year light curves.
1) AO 0235+164. After the reaching of the maximum light near Jan. 19 (ATel #
and brief fading down to R = 16.90 +/- 0.03 (JD=57044.15) the brightness of the object increased to
R = 16.26 +/- 0.02 on Jan. 25 (JD = 57048.17).
2) [HB89] 0716+714. Similar behaviour but with smaller amplitude is demonstrated by 0716+714.
After the maximum light near Jan. 18 (ATel #
6953) it faded down to R = 12.18 +/- 0.03 (JD = 57043.40 and 57044.40),
flared up to R = 11.77 +/- 0.02 on Jan. 23 (JD = 57046.39) and then demonstrated flux variation above R = 11.9.
3) [HB89] 1633+382. After the maximum light near Jan. 15 (according to our data and the V-band data by Danilet et al.,
ATel #
6930) the object was faded down to R = 15.85 +/- 0.02 on Jan. 24 (JD = 57046.62), and then flared up
almost to it's maximal brightness, R = 15.03 +/- 0.02 on Jan. 26 (JD = 57048.61).
Everywhere we meant JD as JD-2400000.
Further multi-wavelength monitoring of this objects is strongly encouraged.