Spectroscopic Classification of PSN J01510872+3155218 as an AGN
ATel #6776; Y. Cao (Caltech), M. Kasliwal (Carnegie/Princeton), R. Quimby (SDSU/Kavli IPMU)
on 2 Dec 2014; 00:16 UT
Credential Certification: Robert Quimby (quimby@astro.as.utexas.edu)
We obtained optical (3400-9800 A) spectra of PSN J01510872+3155218
using the Dual Imaging Spectrograph on the ARC 3.5m telescope at
Apache Point Observatory, November 26. We detect some of the same
features noted by Ochner et al. (ATel #6750), but we also detect a
broad emission feature corresponding to the rest frame MgII 2800
doublet. Considering this, the relatively large OIII 5007 to H-beta
(narrow line) ratio, and the over-all non-thermal appearance of the
continuum, we find that the variable source is most likely an AGN.