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Classification of two supernovae with WiFeS

ATel #6629; M. Childress, R. Scalzo, F. Yuan, B. Zhang, A. Ruiter, I. Seitenzahl, B. Schmidt (Australian National University), B. Tucker (Australian National University and University of California Berkeley)
on 28 Oct 2014; 05:47 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Michael Childress (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

We report spectroscopic classification of optical transients with the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS - Dopita et al., 2007, ApSS, 310, 255) on the ANU 2.3m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory, NSW Australia, using the B3000/R3000 gratings (3500-9800 A, 1 A resolution). Discovery and classification information are found in the table below, targets were observed on 2014 Oct 27, and classifications were made with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024).

 Name                  | RA (J2000)   | Dec (J2000)  | Disc. Date | Disc Mag  | Disc. Source    | SNID z | Type    |  Phase | Match SN  | Notes
SNhunt261 | 02:45:29.93 | -17:31:34.5 | 20141017 | 19.5 | CRTS+Howerton | 0.027 | Ia-91bg | +2 | SN 1991bg | (1) TCP J02454138-0812301 | 02:45:41.38 | -08:12:30.1 | 20141024 | 18.0 | ISSP (Leonini+) | 0.028 | Ia-91bg | +2 | SN 1991bg | (2)


(1) High R_Si, strong OI, and flat Ti consistent with 91bg subclass. Redshift of host NGC 1092 is z=0.029070 (Jones et al., 2009, 6dF Galaxy Survey Data Release 3).

(2) High R_Si and strong OI consistent with fast declining SNe Ia, probably 91bg-like, as also reported in ATel #6628. Also decent match to SN 2005bl (91bg-like) at -3 days and SN 2007al (91bg-like) at +10 days. Redshift of host NGC 1082 is z=0.029613 (York et al., 2000, SDSS).