Optical follow-up of 3C 120
ATel #6542; R. Nesci
on 5 Oct 2014; 10:38 UT
Credential Certification: Roberto Nesci (Roberto.Nesci@iaps.inaf.it)
Subjects: Optical, AGN, Blazar
Following the strong Gamma ray emission by Fermi reported in ATel #6529, I observed 3C 120 on 2014-10-04.93 with the 30cm telescope of the Foligno Observatory (MPC K56). Nine nearby comparison stars were taken from the UCAC4 catalog. Aperture photometry was performed with IRAF/apphot and a radius of 4 arcsec. The nuclear V magnitude was 14.33 +-0.07, at variance with the UCAC4 catalog value of 14.70. Further observations are planned.