Another episode of probably moderate optical/X-ray activity from the Be/X-ray binary KS 1947+300
ATel #6439; A. Camero-Arranz (IEEC/ICE), M. Ozbey-Arabaci (METU), M. Caballero-Garcia (Czech Technical University) on behalf of a larger collaboration
on 3 Sep 2014; 14:23 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Transients
Credential Certification: Ascension Camero-Arranz (
Subjects: Optical, X-ray, Binary, Transient, Pulsar
We report on spectroscopic optical observations of the Be/X-ray binary KS 1947+300 obtained with the TUG Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera (TFOSC) mounted on the focal plane of 1.5-m Russian-Turkish Telescope (RTT150) at TÜBİTAK National Observatory (Antalya, Turkey) on 2014 August 3 at 22:11:01.20 UT (MJD 56872.924). Our observations revealed that the Hα emission line found in the spectrum of the optical counterpart 2MASS J19493548+3012317 was again single-peaked (see ATel #6265), but with a larger equivalent width (EW) of -17.41±1.41 Å on 2014 August 3. The HeI 6678 and 7065 lines showed weak emissions.
Recently we reported on an increase trend on the size of the Be disk (ATel #6265) for this source, although no X-ray activity was being detected at that time (see also ATels #6123 and #6129). On the other hand, the Swift/BAT Hard X-ray Transient Monitor is currently detecting X-ray activity from KS 1947+300 with a daily average flux of the order of 77 mCrab on 2014 September 2 (MJD 56902). Followup observations are encouraged to continue the monitoring of this series of transient events.
We would like to acknowledge to the Swift/BAT Hard X-ray Transient Monitor team for the X-ray data available for this source at their web site.