X-ray to radio observations of SS 433 following the bright optical flare
ATel #6364; Sokolovsky K. V. (ASC Lebedev/SAI MSU), Goranskij V. P. (SAI MSU), Trushkin S. A., Fabrika S. N. (Special Astrophysical Observatory), Mescheryakov A. V. (IKI)
on 2 Aug 2014; 20:44 UT
Credential Certification: Kirill Sokolovsky (kirx@scan.sai.msu.ru)
Subjects: Radio, Optical, Ultra-Violet, X-ray, Binary, Black Hole, Neutron Star
Swift observations of the microquasar SS 433 were performed on
2014 July 28.65 UT following the extreme optical outburst on
July 26 (ATel #6347, ATel #6355). Swift/XRT operating in
the Windowed Timing mode for 2ks has detected SS 433 with
the net count rate of 1.65 +/-0.03 counts/sec. The 0.3-10.0 keV
spectrum can be described by two models equally well:
1) an absorbed power law with the photon index of 1.15 +/-0.11
and HI column density of (0.36 +/-0.08)x10^22 cm^-2;
2) a thermal bremsstrahlung spectrum with kT>80 keV absorbed by
the HI column of (0.38 +/-0.05)x10^22 cm^-2. The best-fit HI column
density in both models is consistent with the total Galactic value
of 0.416x10^22 cm^-2 in the direction of SS 433 (Kalberla et al.
2005, A&A, 440, 775). We find no signs of additional absorption
observed earlier by Brinkmann et al. (2005 A&A, 431, 575) and
Medvedev & Fabrika (2010 MNRAS, 402, 479). The integrated
0.3-10.0 keV flux for both models is about 1.0x10^-10 ergs/cm^2/s
which is 60% higher than the value observed by Swift/XRT in October
2012 (ATel #4490) after the prominent radio flare (ATel #4484),
but a factor of two lower than the highest fluxes observed in
2005-2007 (see the monitoring page by A. Falcone and M. Stroh at http://www.swift.psu.edu/monitoring/source.php?source=SS433 ).
Swift/UVOT, observing simultaneously with the XRT, detected SS 433
in all bands except M2:
Band mag err
W2 19.88 0.22
M2 >19.43
W1 18.78 0.14
U 17.69 0.09
B 16.43 0.04
V 14.51 0.03
(Vega system).
The optical fluxes are just above the typical values
for this combination of orbital (0.107) and precession (0.330)
phases (Goranskij 2011, PZ, 31, 5). Continuing optical monitoring
(ATel #
6347) indicates that the brightness of SS433 in the red band
remained increased immediately after the flare but
returned to quiescent level on August 1
http://vgoray.front.ru/SS433/ss433-1aug.gif ).
The optical flare occurred on the declining phase of a radio flare
that peaked on July 23 at the 4.8 GHz flux density of 930 +/-30 mJy
according to the long-term RATAN-600 multifrequency monitoring
campaign observations (see the radio lightcurve at http://www.sao.ru/hq/lran/XB/SS433/ss433_lc_2014jul.png ).
At frequencies below 22 GHz the flare is decaying exponentially as
S ~ exp(-t/[10d]). The July 23 flare is preceded by another flare
of similar shape peaking on July 18 at 840 +/-25 mJy (4.8 GHz).
The cm-band fluxes were still above the quiescence level at
the time of the Swift observations.
We thank the Swift PI Neil Gehrels and the mission operations team
for performing these ToO observations.