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Optical Counterpart of J1726-47

ATel #628; Dipankar Maitra, Bethany Cobb, Charles Bailyn, Jenica Nelan (Yale), David Gonzalez(CTIO/SMARTS)
on 12 Oct 2005; 23:19 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Request For Observations
Credential Certification: Dipankar Maitra (

Subjects: Optical, X-ray, Request for Observations, Binary, Black Hole, Neutron Star, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 629

We obtained I-band images of the RXTE and Integral error fields of J1726-47 (ATels #623 and #624) using the SMARTS 1.3m telescope and ANDICAM instrument on Oct 10.99172 and Oct 11.99156 UT. Using the refined coordinates obtained by the Swift XRT telescope (ATels #625 and #626) we find a new object not present in the DSS. The I-band magnitude of the new source was 16.97 +/- 0.11 in the Oct 10 data, calibrated by Landolt standards taken on that night, where the error is dominated by the uncertainty in the conversion to standard magnitudes. The source is 0.14 +/- 0.03 magnitudes fainter on Oct 11. The upper limit from the DSS at this position is approximately 19th magnitude. We find the coordinates of this new source to be: RA = 17:26:49.28 Dec = -47:38:24.9 with an error of approximately 0.3". A finding chart is available at:

Finder chart.