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Intermediate polar: V1323 Her = RXS J180340.0+401214: Return to High Luminosity State

ATel #5944; I. L.Andronov (ONMU, Ukraine), P. Dubovsky (VAO, Slovakia), Joh-Na Yoon (CBNU, Korea), Yonggi Kim (CBNU, Korea)
on 4 Mar 2014; 13:47 UT
Credential Certification: Ivan L.Andronov (

Subjects: Optical, X-ray, Request for Observations, Binary, Cataclysmic Variable, Star, Variables

The intermediate polar V1323 Her = RXS J180340.0+401214 returned from its faint state 19.4-20.5 mag (mean brightness during the run, the instrumental system close to R or clear filter) (vsnet-alert 16958). On March 1, 2014, the brightness was 17.50 (clear filter) and next night 17.8 (R). During previous observations on January 24, the object was 19.6.
The characteristics of the runs obtained before/after a switch between the high and low states are:
Max BJD 24..... Semi-amplitude "mag" Obs. state (Max-T0)/P
56424.45189+-0.00042 0.129+-0.020 17.44 VAO high 103449.954+-0.024
56477 20.63 VAO low
56597.25412+-0.00211 0.101+-0.074 19.75 VAO low 113269.945+-0.120
56681 19.57 VAO low
56718.60621+-0.00034 0.216+-0.028 17.50 VAO high 120166.131+-0.019
56719.31009+-0.00104 0.250+-0.091 17.81 CBNU high 120206.131+-0.057
The phases are computed according to the recent ephemeris :
Tmax= 2454604.04449(14)+0.017596986(3).E
(Breus et al., 2012).. Our previous study of the object had shown minor switches of the mean brightness between 17.2 to 17.8 (Kim et al., 2012).
The light curves along with their sinusoidal approximations (and tends and harmonics, when statistically significant) and +1 1sigma,+-2sigma error corridors are shown. The software MCV (I.L.Andronov and A.V.Baklanov, 2004) was used.
From these observations, the faint state lasted from 204 to 295d and the rise lasted <38d. However, the significant linear trend on JD 56718 had a slope of -1.88+-0.52 mag/day, so the switch between the states may last ~1d.
The semi-amplitude was nearly twice larger than that before entering the low state, so one may suggest a recent larger contribution of the accretion column as compared of that of the disk. At the low state, the profile of the spin pulse had a double-peaked structure, possibly indicating a relatively better view of the second pole.
There is another variable VSX J180243.9+400331 (Andronov et al. 2012), which may be recommended for observations in the same field.
The excitation of oscillations after the brightening was detected also in the "non-magnetic" CV TT Ari (Kim et al. 2009)
New observations are needed to study evolution of brightness and amplitude of the spin variations.

[vsnet-chat 7889] Intermediate polar: V1323 Her: Return to High Luminosity State