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Chandra Non-Detection of the Fading X-ray Transient MAXI J1421-613

ATel #5894; Deepto Chakrabarty (MIT), Peter G. Jonker (SRON), Craig B. Markwardt (NASA/GSFC)
on 17 Feb 2014; 18:57 UT
Credential Certification: Deepto Chakrabarty (

Subjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient

We report on a short Chandra/ACIS-S observation of the neutron star X-ray transient MAXI J1421-613, which was discovered in outburst on January 9 (ATels #5750, #5751, #5759, #5765, #5780, #5802). Our 969 s observation was made on 2014 Feb 8 (12:54 TT), 30 days after the source was first detected by MAXI. No X-ray sources were detected in or near the 1.5 arcsec X-ray error circle measured by Swift/XRT (ATel #5780). The 95%-confidence upper limit on the source count rate is <0.003 count/s. This corresponds to an absorbed source flux of <8.1e-14 erg/cm^2/s (0.2-10 keV), assuming the absorbed power-law spectrum measured with Swift/XRT on January 9-19 (ATel #5780; Gamma=2.06, N_H=6.2e22 cm^(-2)).