INTEGRAL Target of Opportunity observations of the type Ia SN2014J in M82
ATel #5835; Erik Kuulkers (INTEGRAL Project Scientist, ESA/ESAC, Spain), on behalf of a larger collaboration
on 30 Jan 2014; 20:50 UT
Credential Certification: Erik Kuulkers (
Subjects: Gamma Ray, Request for Observations, A Comment, Supernovae
The recent supernova (SN) in M82 was detected on January 21, 2014 at the UCL Observatory (CBET #3792). Originally it was designated PSN J09554214+6940260; it has been identified as a type Ia SN (ATel #5786) and is referred to as SN2014J (CBET #3792). At the distance of about 3.5 Mpc, this is the closest type-Ia SN discovered in the past 4 decades.
This SN event is unique, and INTEGRAL is the only observatory currently capable of doing high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy, which may help to constrain the models of the SN explosion. Therefore, INTEGRAL will observe this SN almost exclusively for the next months. If successful, these observations are expected to constitute a reference in SNIa science for years to come.
Part of total observing time on SN2014J will be composed of 2 Msec from an approved INTEGRAL Target of Opportunity program (PI: Jordi Isern, ICE-CSIC/IEEC, Spain). An additional, comparable, amount of INTEGRAL observing time will be made available by the Project Scientist, on request by the INTEGRAL SN community, to maximise the scientific returns.
The first INTEGRAL observation will be done in Revolution 1380, which starts on UT January 31 07:08. These data will be made publicly available. Further Target of Opportunity observations are planned; the observing strategy depends on the evolution of this SN. We refer to the INTEGRAL Science Operations Centre webpages for further information:
We encourage coordinated observations at all wavelengths along with the INTEGRAL observations.