CARMA Millimeter Detection of SN 2014C (PSN J22370560+3424319)
ATel #5764; B. A. Zauderer, A. Kamble, S. Chakraborti, & A. Soderberg (Harvard)
on 14 Jan 2014; 21:52 UT
Credential Certification: Bevin Zauderer (
Subjects: Radio, Millimeter, Supernovae
On behalf of the CARMA Key Project "A Millimeter View of the Transient Universe" collaboration
we obtained observations at the position of the type Ib SN 2014C (PSN J22370560+3424319; CBET 3777, ATel #5721, ATel #5742)
with the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter Astronomy (CARMA) beginning 2014 Jan 13.8 UT. At a mean
frequency of 85 GHz, we detect a source at
    RA= 22:37:05.56 (+/- 0.04)
    Dec=+34:24:31.9 (+/- 0.4),
consistent with the position of the reported supernova (CBET 3777) and the VLA detection (ATel #5763).
We utilized 2236+284 for gain calibration and observed BLLAC and 2015+372 for bandpass calibration. Observations of
Neptune were obtained for absolute flux calibration. We report a preliminary flux of 1.2 +/- 0.2 mJy.
Observations are currently ongoing. We thank the CARMA observatory staff and observer on duty, Luca Ricci,
for prompt execution of these rapid response observations.