H1743-322 X-ray Rise
ATel #576; J. H. Swank (NASA/GSFC), R. Remillard(MIT) & C. B. Markwardt (Univ. MD and NASA/GSFC)
on 11 Aug 2005; 20:41 UT
Credential Certification: Jean Swank (swank@milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov)
Subjects: X-ray, Black Hole, Transient
RXTE observations show that H1743-322 = IGR J1746-3213 = XTE
J17464-3213 is again active in X-rays as well as radio (see Atel #575). The source was below the ASM 3-sigma day average sensitivity
limit on Aug 5, but on Aug 6 the ASM saw a day average of
21(8)mCrab. A PCA scan on Aug 7, 13:20 UTC confirmed that the source was
on, detecting 27.4(1.2) mCrab, 2-10 keV. On Aug 10, at 10:36 UTC, the
PCA found that the source had risen to 57.0(1.8) mcrab. On Aug 11, the
ASM day average was 64(7) mCrab. The rate of rise over 4 days was
half those of the outbursts in July 2004 and March 2003. Further RXTE
observations are being planned.