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Further observations of the X-ray flare from Tempel 1

ATel #565; Paul O'Brien, Dick Willingale, Stan Cowley (University of Leicester), John Nousek (Penn State University) on behalf of the Swift XRT team
on 12 Jul 2005; 13:55 UT
Credential Certification: Paul O'Brien (

Subjects: X-ray, Comet

Observations of comet Tempel 1 with the Swift satellite show that the X-ray emission has now peaked following the observed rise on July 7-8 (ATEL #559). The peak in X-ray emission occurred on July 9, reaching more than an order of magnitude above the quiescent value. The X-ray emission observed on July 12 appears to have returned to its pre-flare value. Hence this X-ray flare lasted about 4 days.

Further observations are on-going.