Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Pre-Maximum Type Ia Supernova from SkyMapper
ATel #5641; R. Scalzo, F. Yuan, M. Childress, B. Tucker, B. Schmidt (Australian National University)
on 9 Dec 2013; 00:52 UT
Credential Certification: Richard Scalzo (richard.scalzo@anu.edu.au)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
We report the discovery of SMTJ03253351-5344190, a Type Ia SN, as part of the SkyMapper supernova search (see Scalzo et al., ATEL #5480). Â The SN was discovered at RA = 03:25:33.51, DEC = -53:44:19.0 at magnitude r = 19.0, g = 19.1 in SkyMapper images taken 2013 Dec 01.63 UT. A spectrum was obtained with the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS; Dopita et al. 2007, ApSS, 310, 255) on 2013 Dec 06 UT. Classification with SNID (Blondin & Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) gives good matches to Type Ia supernovae before maximum light, including SN 2006kf at -3 days and SN 2005df at -6 days. The Si II blueshift velocity is 11,100 km/s, with some high-velocity Si II absorption still visible. We derive a redshift of 0.059 from host H-alpha emission.