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Optical follow-up of ongoing flaring of BL Lacertae

ATel #5601; S. Chandra, S. Ganesh, K. S. Baliyan, N. Ahmad, J. K. Jain, G. S. Rajpurohit (Physical Research Laboratory)
on 26 Nov 2013; 15:04 UT
Credential Certification: Sunil Chandra (

Subjects: Optical, AGN, Blazar, Variables

We report the optical photometry of blazar BL Lacertae and confirm its ongoing flaring activity. This object was reported with flux enhancements in H band observations (ATel #5518, Carrasco et al). Later observations reported by many other groups present an increasing trend in NIR/Optical flux starting from mid October, 2013 (ATel 5550,5558). Historical peak flux was reported by Larionov et al. (ATel:#5597, R~12.34 mag) on 23rd November 2013. We report an increasing trend in all bands since the start of our observations (7th November 2013). Following are the optical magnitudes observed by us during different nights from MIRO: Time (MJD) ------R------ 56603.68 12.94 (0.05) 56616.70 12.83 (0.02) 56617.60 12.57 (0.01) 56621.66 12.58 (0.01) ------I------ 56603.61 12.27 (0.02) 56616.67 12.00 (0.02) 56617.58 11.78 (0.02) 56621.60 11.79 (0.02) ------V------ 56603.62 13.78 (0.02) 56616.68 13.44 (0.02) 56617.59 13.20 (0.02) 56621.60 13.20 (0.02) ------B------ 56603.62 14.69 (0.02) 56616.68 14.41 (0.02) 56617.59 14.33 (0.02) 56621.59 14.10 (0.01) Note that the above values are not corrected for galactic extinction and host galaxy contribution. Following the ATel #5598 (Grupe et al.) and ATel # 5599 (Carnerero et al.) we are continuing the long term intra-night monitoring of this object on a daily basis. We note that Swift will be monitoring this source for the next few days as per ATel #5598. We encourage multi-wavelength monitoring of this source using facilities around the globe.