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Prediscovery of a nova and BVR photometry of three other novae in M31

ATel #5475; E. Ovcharov (SU, Sofia), A. Kurtenkov (IA, Sofia), G. Nikolov (IA, Sofia), M. Belcheva (IA, Sofia), T. Trifonov (AS, Heidelberg), A. Valcheva (SU, Sofia), P. Nedialkov (SU, Sofia)
on 16 Oct 2013; 12:26 UT
Credential Certification: Evgeni Ovcharov (

Subjects: Optical, Nova

Referred to by ATel #: 5503, 5543, 5569

We confirmed the discovery of a probable nova PNV J00424239+4117190 ( located at RA(2000) = 00h42m42.40s, Dec(2000) = +41d17'18.7", which is 22" west and 70" north of the center of M31. The nearest object is No.14651 from WeCAPP Survey - M31 variables (Fliri et al., 2006), classified as irregular variable, at distance 1.13".The images are obtained with the 50/70cm Schmidt telescope at NAO Rozhen, Bulgaria. The available BVR-magnitudes are:

2013 October 15.061 UT, R = 17.69 +/- 0.20 (3x300sec co-added CCD images)
2013 October 15.076 UT, B = 17.95 +/- 0.13 (300sec CCD image)
2013 October 15.080 UT, V = 17.57 +/- 0.14 (300sec CCD image)

Nothing was visible at this position on the BVR images of 2013 October 12.8 UT to the limiting magnitude 19.5 mag.

Furthermore, we report additional photometry for the novae candidates 2013-10a (ATel #5442), 2013-10c (ATel #5468) and PNV J00442132+4055220:

2013 Oct. 12.851 UT, B=17.95+/-0.04
2013 Oct. 12.856 UT, V=17.90+/-0.05
2013 Oct. 12.816 UT, R=17.52+/-0.03

2013 Oct. 15.076 UT, B=18.20+/-0.05
2013 Oct. 15.080 UT, V=18.02+/-0.05
2013 Oct. 15.061 UT, R=17.64+/-0.04

2013 Oct. 12.851 UT, B=18.38+/-0.06
2013 Oct. 12.856 UT, V=18.10+/-0.07
2013 Oct. 12.816 UT, R=17.57+/-0.04

2013 Oct. 15.076 UT, B=18.44+/-0.07
2013 Oct. 15.080 UT, V=18.27+/-0.07
2013 Oct. 15.061 UT, R=17.88+/-0.05

2013 Oct. 15.076 UT, B=16.49+/-0.01
2013 Oct. 15.080 UT, V=16.25+/-0.01
2013 Oct. 15.061 UT, R=16.24+/-0.01