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Short, Bright Optical/Near-Infrared Flare in PKS 1510-089

ATel #5416; M. Buxton, I. Hasan, E. MacPherson, J. Isler, M. Urry, C. Bailyn, P. Coppi (Yale University)
on 25 Sep 2013; 01:33 UT
Credential Certification: Michelle Buxton (

Subjects: Infra-Red, Optical, AGN, Black Hole, Blazar

Referred to by ATel #: 5422, 7466, 7587, 7805, 9160, 12725

Recently we have monitored the blazar PKS 1510-089 daily using the ANDICAM instrument on the SMARTS 1.3m telescope in Chile. Since 11 September 2013 (or soon beforehand) PKS 1510-089 has undergone a very short but significant flare in optical and near-infrared (OIR) fluxes. The peak of the flare is comparable, but not as high, as the flare seen in 2009, and it is the highest OIR flux we've observed over the past four years. The flare is already on the decline and, while it has not yet reached pre-flare fluxes, we expect it will do so over the next few days. We observed the following changes in magnitude between JD 2456498 (the date we last observed pre-flare fluxes) and JD 2456555 (the date of the highest observed OIR fluxes): delta_B = 1.4, delta_V = 1.6, delta_J = 2.0, delta_K = 1.4. We note that our K-band data has the most noise of all our bands. This may explain why the delta_mag in K is less than V or J bands. Our data and light curves of PKS 1510-089, as well as other blazars we are monitoring, can be found at: