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Swift XRT observation of HETE J1900.1-2455

ATel #535; INAF-OAB
on 25 Jun 2005; 07:23 UT
Credential Certification: Sergio Campana (

Subjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient, Pulsar

Referred to by ATel #: 543

Sergio Campana (INAF-OAB), Antonino Cucchiara (PSU) and Dave Burrows (PSU) on behalf of the XRT team report that Swift observed the seventh millisecond X-ray pulsar HETE J1900.1-2455 on 2005-06-24 UT21:03:37 for 1329 s in a single orbit. The source is bright an is observed in Window Timing (WT) mode, therefore not providing an image. The source count rate in the 0.5-10 keV energy band is 14.9+/-0.1 c/s. We extract the spectrum and generate the relevant response matrix. The spectrum can be fit with an absorbed black body plus power law model: NH=(1.6+/-0.4)x10^21 cm-2, kT=0.64+/-0.06 keV and Gamma=1.7+/-0.1 (all errors are 90% confidence level for one interesting parameter). The derived column density is consistent with the Galactic value. The 0.5-10 keV unabsorbed flux is (7.0+/-0.1)x10^-10 erg/cm2/s. Given the temporal resolution in WT mode the neutron star pulsation is not detectable. No orbital modulation is apparent from the data.