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CSP spectroscopic classifications of optical transients

ATel #4990; N. Morrell, E. Y. Hsiao (LCO), M. Stritzinger (Aarhus), F. Taddia (OKC/Stockholm), E. Hadjiyska, E. S. Walker, D. Rabinowitz, C. Baltay, N. Ellman, R. McKinnon (Yale), U. Feindt (U. Bonn), P. Nugent (LBNL/UCB)
on 18 Apr 2013; 14:18 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Eric Hsiao (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

Carnegie Supernova Project reports four spectroscopic classifications using optical spectra obtained with the Nordic Optical Telescope (+Alfosc) and the Las Campanas Observatory du Pont Telescope (+WFCCD).

Name                    | RA          DEC          | Disc date  | Spec date  | Tele+Inst  | Type    | Best fit              | Notes 
CSS130414:112131-033103 | 11 21 30.88 -03 31 02.75 | 2013-04-14 | 2013-04-15 | DUP+WFCCD  | II      | SN1998S +11 at z=0.06 | 1 
PSN J10505237-0123269   | 10 46 52.37 -01 23 26.92 | 2013-04-14 | 2013-04-15 | DUP+WFCCD  | II      | SN1999em +9 at z=0.04 | 2 
LSQ13aav                | 13 30 23.84 -46 16 07.79 | 2013-04-15 | 2013-04-15 | DUP+WFCCD  | Be Star |                       | 3 
LSQ13abf                | 11 49 06.62 +19 10 10.71 | 2013-04-15 | 2013-04-16 | NOT+ALFOSC | Ic      | SN2004aw 0  at z=0.02 | 3 
1) Discovery reported in ATEL #4984. 
2) Discovered by SNhunt (SNhunt186). Note that the PSN designation gave the wrong coordinates. 
3) supplied by the La Silla-Quest survey (Hadjiyska et al., ATel #3812).