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CARMA observations of SN2013ai

ATel #4866; A. Zauderer, Atish Kamble, Sayan Chakraborti and Alicia Soderberg (Harvard University, USA)
on 6 Mar 2013; 21:49 UT
Credential Certification: Atish Kamble (

Subjects: Radio, Millimeter, Supernovae, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 4901

A. Zauderer, Atish Kamble, Sayan Chakraborti and Alicia Soderberg (Harvard University, USA) report on behalf of the CARMA Key Project "A Millimeter View of the Transient Universe":

We report radio observations of the nearby supernova 2013ai (ATEL #4849) discovered by Zadko on 2013 March 1 UT. Using the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy (CARMA), we observed the position of SN2013ai on 2013 March 5.1 and 6.1 UT at 85 GHz with a bandwidth of ~8 GHz. No radio emission is detected at the position of the supernova in either epoch, resulting in a stacked 3 sigma upper limit of 0.6 mJy. This rms limit corresponds to a spectral luminosity of 8 x 10^{26} erg/s/Hz, assuming a distance to SN2013ai equivalent to its host galaxy, NGC 2207, of 26.5 Mpc.

We thank the CARMA staff for supporting these rapid response observations.