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SDSS J124819.36+072049.4 is a Dwarf Nova

ATel #481; R. Quimby, M. Sellers, P. Mondol, P. Hoeflich, J. C. Wheeler (University of Texas), and C. Gerardy (Imperial College)
on 5 May 2005; 17:14 UT
Credential Certification: Robert Quimby (

Subjects: Optical, Cataclysmic Variable, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 3879

We report the discovery of a dwarf nova in unfiltered CCD images taken on Apr 26.25 UT (about 16.7 mag) and Apr 28.20 (about 17.0 mag) using the 0.45m ROTSE-IIIb telescope at the McDonald Observatory. The object is located at RA = 12h48m19.38s DEC = +07o20'48.8" and was not detected in ROTSE-IIIb data from Apr 20.20 UT (limiting mag about 17.0). The object was observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey in quiescence (SDSS J124819.36+072049.4) at r'=21.50 mag. A spectrum (420-890 nm) of the object obtained on Apr 29.13 with the 9.2m Hobby*Eberly Telescope (+ Marcario Low-Resolution Spectrograph) by S. C. Odewahn and M. Villarreal, shows doubly peaked H-alpha emission, along with absorption lines from H-beta, H-gamma, HeI 447.1 nm and 587.6 nm, and NaI 589 nm. ROTSE-IIIb data shows the object faded to about 17.7 magnitude on May 1.14 UT.