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Latest OIR Mags of PKS 1424-41

ATel #4775; Imran Hasan, Emily MacPherson, Michelle Buxton, Charles Bailyn, Meg Urry, Jedidah Isler (Yale University)
on 31 Jan 2013; 21:42 UT
Credential Certification: Michelle Buxton (

Subjects: Infra-Red, Optical, Blazar

Referred to by ATel #: 4819

We report optical and near-infrared magnitudes for the Blazar PKS 1424-41. This object was detected on January 8th by the LAT Fermi Gamma-ray Telescope which reported an increasing gamma-ray flux (see ATel #4714). Fermi also provided an R magnitude measurement of 14.74 (+/-0.04) performed by ATOM. Swift/XRT has supplied a follow-up observation in the X-Rays, and reported an X-Ray flux increase on January 9th compared to previous observations in May of 2011 (see ATel #4717). Additional SWIFT observations were performed January 24th and 27th, finding the X-ray flux to still be increasing (see ATel #4770). As part of our blazar monitoring program, we observe blazars reported to be in a high flux state by Fermi-LAT in optical and near-infrared bands. We are currently observing PKS 1424-41 on a daily cadence. PKS 1424-41 was observed on January 28th and 29th, 2013 under photometric conditions using the SMARTS 1.3 meter telescope with the ANDICAM instrument, located at CTIO. For January 28th we find the following magnitudes: B=15.43, V=14.85, R=14.29, J=12.48, K=10.63; For January 29th we find the following magnitudes: B=15.33, V=14.75, R=14.24, J=12.25, K=10.56. We estimate our errors to be +/- 0.03 mag in the optical and +/- 0.05 mag in the near-infrared. Further multiwavelength observations are encouraged. We will continue to monitor this source on a nightly cadence using the SMARTS 1.3m telescope and ANDICAM instrument.