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Possible infrared/optical counterpart of IGR J17098-3628

ATel #477; A. K.H. Kong (MIT)
on 3 May 2005; 00:46 UT
Credential Certification: Albert Kong (

Subjects: Infra-Red, Optical, X-ray, Binary, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 478, 479, 490

Following the soft X-ray detection of the X-ray transient IGR J17098-3628 with Swift-XRT, we search for infrared/optical counterpart with the 2MASS All-Sky Catalog and the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey. We note that there is a single star within the 5" radius error circle of the Swift-XRT (ATEL #476). The infrared counterpart, 2MASS J17094612-3627573 (J=14.69, H=13.66, and K=13.37), is about 2.7" from the X-ray position. From the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey, a star with B=21.16, R=19.43, and I=18.75 is found at R.A.=17h9m46.166s and Decl.=-36d27m57.50s, 3.25" from the X-ray position.

More observations are strongly encouraged to confirm the counterpart.