Correction to ATEL #4665: Classification of PS1-12cno
ATel #4674; D. Wright, M. Fraser, S. J. Smartt (Queens University Belfast)
on 23 Dec 2012; 22:44 UT
Credential Certification: Morgan Fraser (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
Further to ATEL # 4665, we note that PS1-12cno was incorrectly classified as a QSO. At the redshift of PS1-12cno (z=0.067, as measured from the Balmer lines in emission), the absolute magnitude of the transient is z=-18.7. The presumed host galaxy, which is resolved from the transient with a ~1" separation, has an absolute magnitude of r~-14.6. The absolute magnitude of the host, and its low redshift, are inconsistent with a QSO. We suggest that PS1-12cno is in fact a Type IIn supernova in a faint dwarf host.
We thank Andrew Drake for bringing this error to our attention.