du Pont (WFCCD) classification of three La Silla-QUEST Supernovae
ATel #4670; E. Hadjiyska (Yale), E. S. Walker (Yale), D. Rabinowitz (Yale), C. Baltay (Yale), N. Ellman (Yale), R. McKinnon (Yale), U. Feindt (U. Bonn), P. Nugent (LBNL/UCB), N. Morrell (LCO), E. Hsiao (LCO), M. Phillips (LCO), C. Contreras (LCO)
on 23 Dec 2012; 00:20 UT
Credential Certification: Ellie Hadjiyska (ellie.hadjiyska@yale.edu)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
We report the discovery by LSQ and classification by the Carnegie Supernova Project II of the following three supernovae:
Discovery |
RA |
Dec |
Disc Mag |
Instrument |
Spectra Date |
Type |
z |
Details |
LSQ12hno |
December 13.108 |
03:42:43.26 |
-02:40:09.8 |
18.5 |
Dec 21 |
Ia-norm |
0.05 |
Resembles SN1997dt, SN2002fk and SN2002fr a few days before max. The SiII line is blueshifted by ~10,200km/s |
LSQ12hnx |
December 16.072 |
02:35:17.80 |
-30:57:49.4 |
19.7 |
Dec 22 |
Ia-norm |
0.16 |
~a week before max, resembles SN1998aq, SN1995E and SN 2007fs all a few days past max. |
LSQ12htu |
December 21.246 |
10:11:37.11 |
-07:23:11.6 |
20.1 |
Dec 22 |
IIb? |
0.04 |
Resembles SN1993J, SN1997dd and SN2003bg a few days before max |