15-GHz upper limits on MLS121106:014420+082311
ATel #4615; T. Staley (Uni. Southampton), D. Titterington (MRAO), R. Fender (Uni. Southampton), A. Scaife (Uni. Southampton), K. Grainge (MRAO)
on 30 Nov 2012; 12:08 UT
Credential Certification: Rob Fender (r.fender@soton.ac.uk)
Subjects: Radio, Optical, Transient
We report radio observations of the field of the fast optical transient MLS121106:014420+082311 (Mahabal et al., ATEL #4586; de Ugarte Postigo et al., ATEL #4589; Mahabal et al., ATEL #4605), using the 15GHz AMI Large Array (Cambridge, UK).
Three one hour observations were made, on the 19th, 21st, and 23rd of November.
A preliminary analysis of the data does not show any significant source at the location of the transient down to the following 3-sigma flux limits:
121119 <0.63mJy
121121 <0.39mJy
121123 <0.43mJy
Further observations are planned.