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du Pont (WFCCD) classification of La Silla-QUEST transients

ATel #4587; E. Hadjiyska (Yale), E. S. Walker (Yale), D. Rabinowitz (Yale), C. Baltay (Yale), N. Ellman (Yale), R. McKinnon (Yale), U. Feindt (U. Bonn), P. Nugent (LBNL/UCB), N. Morrell (LCO), E. Hsiao (LCO), M. Phillips (LCO), C. Contreras (LCO)
on 19 Nov 2012; 20:32 UT
Credential Certification: Ellie Hadjiyska (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

LSQ reports the discovery of two supernovae classified by the Carnegie Supernova Project.
LSQ ID Discovery RA Dec Disc Mag Instrument Spectra Date Type z Details
LSQ12fxu November 04.032 23:47:10.13 -13:14:57.7 18.0 WFCCD Nov 19 II 0.062 resembles SN2005cs at +4 days
LSQ12gkk November 13.274 05:07:28.57 -23:51:16.7 20.7 WFCCD Nov 19 Ic 0.059 resembles SN1994I at -1 day