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PESSTO spectroscopic observation of LSQ12fuc

ATel #4575; M. Turatto (INAF - Padova Astronomical Observatory), S. Marchi (U. de Chile), S. Gonzalez-Gaitan (U. de Chile), F. Bufano (UNAB), F. Forster (U. de Chile), J. Anderson (U. de Chile), S. Taubenberger (MPA Garching), S. Valenti (UCSB/LCOGT), A. Pastorello, S. Benetti (INAF - Padova Astronomical Observatory), S. J. Smartt, K. Smith, D. Young (Queens University Belfast), M. Sullivan (University of Southampton), A. Gal-Yam, O. Yaron (Weizmann Institute for Science), C. Baltay, N. Ellman, E. Hadjiyska, R. McKinnon, D. Rabinowitz, E. S. Walker (Yale University), U. Feindt, M. Kowalski (Universitat Bonn), P. Nugent (LBL Berkeley)
on 15 Nov 2012; 16:55 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Stefano Benetti (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

PESSTO, the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects (see Valenti et al., ATel #4037; ), reports the spectroscopic observation of SN LSQ12fuc (ATel 4537) with the ESO New Technology Telescope at La Silla on 2012 November 05.24 UT using EFOSC2 and Grism 13 (3700-9300A, 18A resolution). The object shows lines of HI, NaI, CaII, FeII with P-Cyg profiles typical of SNII. The expansion velocity of the photosphere is significantly slow (v(Halpha)= 3850 km s-1) compared to normal SNII. The best match provided by GELATO (Harutyunyan et al. 2008, A.Ap. 488, 383) is with the low-luminosity SNe 1994N and 1999br one month after maximum (Pastorello et al. 2003, MNRAS 347, 74). Despite such spectral similarity, LSQ12fuc is about 2 mag brighter, with an absolute magnitude -16.5 derived from LSQ photometry. Superposed to the SN spectrum are visible narrow components of H(aplha), H(beta) and weak [SII] 6717-6731 at a redshift compatible to that of the host galaxy (z=0.0430) thus probably associated to an underlying HII region.