SN2009ip: Dimming Rapidly
ATel #4416; J. C. Martin, J. O'Brien, J. Hubbell-Thomas (U. of Illinois Springfield)
on 24 Sep 2012; 16:04 UT
Credential Certification: John Martin (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
ATEL #4412 (Smith & Mauerhan) recently suggested that supernova impostor SN2009ip has re-brightened as a true supernova. ATEL #4414 (Margutti et al.) reported Swift observations indicating that SN2009ip is declining in magnitude and not a true supernova.
We obtained V and R observations with the 20-inch telescope at the Henry R. Barber Astronomical Observatory (University of Illinois Springfield). The observations were taken at a high airmass (sec(Z) > 2.7 - 3.0) and are uncorrected for Galactic extinction. There is also a chance of minor uncorrected contamination of the target by a red star (USNO B2 mag B ~ 20, R ~18) about 5 arcseconds to the northeast of the target. However the limiting magnitudes in the images and the brightness of SN2009ip are significantly brighter than the possible contaminator.
We measured the following preliminary magnitudes on UT September 11, 2012 (JD 2456181.67) and UT September 24, 2012 (JD 2456194.66):
JD 2456181.67; V = 16.92 +/- 0.05; (V-R) = 0.38 +/- 0.07
JD 2456194.66; V = 17.70 +/- 0.08; (V-R) = 0.62 +/- 0.10
These observations indicate that SN2009ip is currently dimming and reddening at a rate that is inconsistent with a true supernova. Additional observations to follow the decline are encouraged.
UIS Supernova Impostor Project