Errata : correction to coordinates of LSQ targets reported by PESSTO
ATel #4064; S. J. Smartt (Queen's University Belfast), on behalf of PESSTO
on 23 Apr 2012; 00:43 UT
Credential Certification: Stephen Smartt (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
We correct errors in the positions of three supernovae which were classified
and publicly announced by PESSTO in ATels #4039 and #4037.
The following coordinates are correct :
LSQ12bpo 11:23:34.49 -12:23:58.9
LSQ12brs 13:51:17.40 -11:55:25.3
LSQ12bri 13:35:48.34 -21:23:53.5
We also note that LSQ12bri is the same object as CSS120420:133548-212353.