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SN Candidates from CRTS

ATel #4011; A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. A. Mahabal, M. J. Graham, R. Williams (Caltech); J. Prieto (Princeton); M. Catelan (PUC Chile); E. Christensen (Gemini Obs); E. C. Beshore, S. M. Larson (LPL/UA)
on 1 Apr 2012; 02:46 UT
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (

Subjects: Optical, Request for Observations, Supernovae, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 4059, 4081, 4137

Further to ATel#3941, below we report the discovery of supernova candidates by CRTS in data taken between 2012-02-29 and 2012-03-28 UT.

      CRTS ID             Disc. Date    RA (J2000)    Dec      Mag   
CSS120328:152754+185519  2012-03-28  15:27:53.74  18:55:18.5  19.4 
CSS120328:122417+185529  2012-03-28  12:24:17.02  18:55:29.3  17.6 
CSS120328:152302+071141  2012-03-28  15:23:01.70  07:11:41.2  17.9 
CSS120328:152416+050318  2012-03-28  15:24:15.68  05:03:17.6  18.9 
CSS120327:141750+052004  2012-03-27  14:17:50.01  05:20:03.7  18.9 
CSS120327:110520-015205  2012-03-27  11:05:20.08 -01:52:05.2  17.8 
CSS120325:085554+254237  2012-03-25  08:55:53.88  25:42:36.9  18.4   
CSS120325:123816-150632  2012-03-25  12:38:16.19 -15:06:32.1  19.3 
CSS120323:115546+503457  2012-03-23  11:55:46.47  50:34:56.9  18.6 
CSS120322:171646+414301  2012-03-22  17:16:46.24  41:43:00.7  18.0 
CSS120322:130213+143141  2012-03-22  13:02:13.44  14:31:41.4  19.1 
CSS120321:125020+063058  2012-03-21  12:50:19.54  06:30:57.9  19.5 
CSS120317:114744+031755  2012-03-17  11:47:44.16  03:17:55.2  19.1 
CSS120315:130057+373511  2012-03-15  13:00:57.21  37:35:10.9  18.9 
CSS120313:105530+145239  2012-03-13  10:55:29.88  14:52:39.3  19.5 
CSS120303:095246-160215  2012-03-03  09:52:45.70 -16:02:15.3  18.1 
CSS120302:080936+293741  2012-03-02  08:09:35.56  29:37:40.6  17.5 
CSS120302:145707+051018  2012-03-02  14:57:06.72  05:10:18.3  19.5 
CSS120301:133156+235405  2012-03-01  13:31:55.92  23:54:05.2  19.3 
CSS120229:150641+044048  2012-02-29  15:06:40.69  04:40:48.0  18.9 
MLS120328:085636+142046  2012-03-28  08:56:36.20  14:20:46.1  20.8 
MLS120323:122425-070950  2012-03-23  12:24:24.95 -07:09:50.0  20.7 
MLS120322:095827+194305  2012-03-22  09:58:27.42  19:43:05.2  19.8 
MLS120321:094049+140036  2012-03-21  09:40:48.64  14:00:35.8  20.7 
MLS120321:105901+103640  2012-03-21  10:59:01.14  10:36:39.9  20.5 
MLS120321:104701+100808  2012-03-21  10:47:00.78  10:08:07.7  20.9 
MLS120321:120418+024708  2012-03-21  12:04:18.34  02:47:07.9  19.8 
MLS120317:114644+010342  2012-03-17  11:46:43.79  01:03:41.5  19.8 
MLS120316:101958+184415  2012-03-16  10:19:58.34  18:44:14.6  19.4 
MLS120316:110638+023644  2012-03-16  11:06:38.44  02:36:44.1  19.5 
MLS120316:110112+012104  2012-03-16  11:01:11.88  01:21:03.6  20.6 
MLS120315:114300-011007  2012-03-15  11:42:59.56 -01:10:06.7  20.5 
MLS120313:115253+043830  2012-03-13  11:52:53.11  04:38:29.5  20.5 
MLS120313:115231-021638  2012-03-13  11:52:31.17 -02:16:38.4  19.6 
MLS120304:025140+173932  2012-03-04  02:51:39.60  17:39:32.5  18.0 ☆ 
MLS120302:073217+220121  2012-03-02  07:32:16.82  22:01:21.5  20.5 
MLS120301:110120+044329  2012-03-01  11:01:20.16  04:43:29.5  21.2 
☆ objects reported to CBAT tocp. Finding charts and additional information  
for these events can be found at "". 

All objects were discovered in real-time by the CRTS pipeline and openly reported on CRTS webpages and "". Links to all transient sources can be found at "".

We are grateful to the all the observers involved in follow-up observations.