Outburst of IGR J19294+1816 Detected with Fermi/GBM
ATel #3917; Mark H. Finger (USRA), and Peter Jenke (MSFC/NPP) for the GBM Pulsar Team
on 8 Feb 2012; 20:39 UT
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Credential Certification: Dr. Mark H. Finger (Mark.Finger@msfc.nasa.gov)
Subjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient, Pulsar
Referred to by ATel #: 4135
Pulsed X-ray flux is being detected by Fermi/GBM from the transient binary pulsar
IGR J19294+1816. In the data of February 7, we measure a 12 - 50 keV pulsed flux
of 15 +/- 2 mCrab with a barycentric frequency of 80.2754(6) mHz.
The source has an outburst period of about 117 days (Corbet & Krimm, ATel #2008).
The last reported outburst began 2010 October 27 (ATel #2985). This was followed by a
previously unreported outburst that was detected with Fermi/GBM on 2010 February 14.
GBM Pulsar Project