Optical observations of BQ Cam (=V0332+53) in outburst
ATel #388; Nicola Masetti, Mauro Orlandini (INAF - IASF, Bologna), Silvia Marinoni (INAF - Oss. Astron. Bologna) and Andrea Santangelo (Universitaet Tuebingen)
on 14 Jan 2005; 16:46 UT
Credential Certification: Nicola Masetti (masetti@tesre.bo.cnr.it)
Subjects: Optical, X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 1807
We have observed BQ Cam, the optical counterpart of the X-ray binary source
V0332+53, which is now undergoing an outburst (see ATel #349, #371).
Optical Spectroscopy and V-band photometry were acquired on January 7,
2005, between the two INTEGRAL pointings described in ATel #382,
with the "G.D. Cassini" 152 cm Loiano telescope (plus BFOSC and EEV CCD)
of the Observatory of Bologna. Observations were carried out between 22:48
and 23:41 UT under a seeing of about 2 arcsec.
The object is at V ~ 15.2 and its spectrum shows a reddened blue
continuum over which a prominent, single-peaked Halpha emission line
with equivalent width (EW) around 10 Angstroms is detected. HeI emissions at
5875, 6678 and 7065 Angstroms are also detected.
These V-band magnitude and Halpha EW values are typically shown by BQ Cam
during outbursts (see e.g. Iye & Kodaira, 1985, PASP, 97, 1186; Goranskij,
2001, Astron. Lett. 27, 516; Goranskij & Barsukova, 2004, ATel #245).
We acknowledge the Astronomical Observatory of Bologna for the Service
Programme in Loiano.